Getting Your Nutrition From Different Types of Alaska Seafood
Whitefish delivers big on protein: Alaska halibut continues to be one of the most popular choices for diners who prefer a whitefish to options like tuna or salmon. Not only is this fish one of the tastiest; it also delivers an excellent quantity of protein in every serving. You'll keep hearing about the high protein content of red meat, but halibut is a much healthier option.
The Advantages of Seafood Over Meat
Flash frozen tuna delivers big on nutrients as well: Flash freezing is all the rage in seafood fisheries, as you can lock in the nutrients and flavor when you freeze it fresh. Tuna does not have quite the same amount of omega 3 as, say, King salmon, but it is still in the top 3 or 4. Frozen steaks are a great value in today's market. As a note on the mercury: fish which are younger have less mercury than the larger, older fish. The fat content of salmon is quite beneficial to your health: Everyone used to say 'high fat, high risk,' but these days the research points to far more benefits than negative points with the fat found in salmon, tuna and mackerel.
It helps lower cholesterol, improve circulation and may even be an ally in the fight against diabetes. The canned salmon omega 3 content versus that of wild salmon is similar: the debate about nutritional content in canned versus fresh seafood has been raging for some time now. At the end of the day, you should know that the canned salmon omega 3 content is on par with that of wild salmon. You can get all of the benefits, plus the convenience of canned salmon when you don't the time or cash to deal with fresh fish.
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